04 November 2010

would you ever dance with me like that?

iokay so i recently promised 2 things: more halloween pictures & an explanation as to why november 2nd, 2010 was a big day (i think you can guess half of it).

i don't think it's necessary to overload with halloween pictures but here are some clear costume shots:
root beer, pink lemonade, sprite, coke, diet coke & dp (complete thanks to rachel for making the lovely costumes<3):

dodgers fan, hippie, dalmatian & pirate (thanks to evanne for the jersey/sorry my feet look so massive):

i didn't end up dressing up for actual halloween although i was scheduled to be a sailor. maybe i'll still  get to wear the hat someday?

next up: 11-02-10.

first of all...

...although this isn't the hawtest picture of me there ever was, the point is that I VOTED.
now, i'll own up to the fact that i didn't exactly "fill out" the ballot...but i wasn't as informed as i'd hoped i would be, and i did not want to make uninformed decisions.
however, i did make some difference and that's what matters to me.

in addition to finally feeling like a true u.s. citizen, i got to see two door cinema club live!

mm our new love (meaning me and paige):

(he even has an irish accent)

the group:

it made for a lovely day.

p.s. i was feeling quite poladroidy today...sorry if i overdid it.

p.p.s. i know i'm long overdue for a blog post that actually contains more text than pictures. it's coming, i promise. i have so many underdeveloped ideas it's hard to focus on just one or two. i'll be trying!

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