1. alright, so, the other day i was on facebook and what seemed like every single status was about that certain song about a certain day of the week that makes me want to slap someone across the face. (no joke, literally as i was typing this, my sister turned on the song in the next room. me tuer, s'il te plaît) anyway, somehow i ended up making the transition from facebook to youtube to watch the recent japan footage. and i hate to sound so typical, but please social networking, what have you done to the world? the fact that pop culture has narrowed in on a trending youtube video for it's lack of value more than opportunities like [this] makes me want to...well, barf.
2. i got to laugh so hard last night that, at one point, i was genuinely scared i might pee my pants (go ahead and judge, but i think it's a waste of your time). and it was largely in thanks to the great rasheed JUSTIN akbarut. just thought i'd send a shout out to my fellow camus-worshiper.
3. i am absolutely enraptured by [mumford and sons]. if you haven't had the chance to listen to their album yet, i'd suggest starting with that link. that song stole my heart. (could i get any more cheesy? forgive me)
4. i'm departing for peru in almost exactly a week! goodbye la cañada, hello foreign land.
5. i'm in love with seahorses. and lucky boy bacon breakfast burritos with thousand island dressing. and floret perfume.
6. and for the sixth point, [i have no words].
why not throw in a quote too?
“i wonder if i’ve been changed in the night? let me think. was i the same when i got up this morning? i almost think i can remember feeling a little different. but if i'm not the same, the next question is ‘who in the world am i?’ ah, that’s the great puzzle! if i had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. and contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. and what it wouldn’t be, it would. you see?”
lewis carroll
p.s. i have a crush on mark wahlberg.
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