02 December 2010

thoughts of the day.

1. recently means nothing without context.

2. there's something so intriguing about jewelry boxes. i think they might just be my favorites.

 don't you just wanna investigate in there?

3. i have a new obsession with going on etsy.com and searching for whatever i'm dreaming of. christmas presents...

4. into the wild is one of the most amazing movies i have ever seen. it blew me away.

5. does living life mean living the life you want? or is it only a matter of breathing and heart rate?

6. quote of the week-
jayma mays on how she feels before she's filmed:
"i get very nervous. i eat lots of toast before."

7. i have now come just about as close as one can to being attacked by a possum without physical contact.

8. first comes self-control, then trust, and finally, self-respect.

9. tomorrow may rain.

1 thought(s):

z said...

and you <3

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