10 January 2011

such is the passage of time.

 may we please just discuss how amazing the movie into the wild is?
i watched it for the first time about a month ago and have not been able to stop thinking about it since.
it was one of the most inspiring films i have ever seen.
when i was trying to pick a movie at the video store, i realized how hit and miss movies these days are.
the money and technology put into cinematography is insane.
not that that can't be amazing to look at, (tron, anyone?) but it really helps you appreciate the beauty in simplicity.
which is really what i got out of into the wild.
whether or not we're truly getting more intelligent (that's all up to opinion), humans are definitely becoming more knowledgeable about the world every day.
chris mccandless had the will to remove himself from everything that that knowledge has created.
he must have gained the most amazing kind of intelligence that none of us could even understand.
the human mind never stops working - it has the ability to work in different ways under different circumstances.
i am currently sitting on a chair in my bedroom looking out the window at the view from my balcony.
(it's too cold to sit outside)
the fact that the mountains and trees around me seem simple in comparison to downtown la is crazy.
because they're the farthest thing from simple.
in a way, everything we've created is an attempt at simplicity.
but i don't have the energy to write about that right now.
till next time.

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